Welcome to Dryad's Tree. As you may or may not have noticed, my web pages are pertpetually out of date. I've tried again to make the little tidbits here more up to date. Of all things, my reading list looks to require the most updating!
But seriously, welcome back to the Grove. I hope you enjoy your wandering here.
A few tidbits about the Dryad:
(Just in case you were a little curious...)
The Dryad is Carla Emmons, native of Maine and Italian at heart with a little touch of the West Coast around the edges.
Also, The Dryad is, but not limited to, the following:
Favorite Toy currently: 1 Ghz 12" Powerbook G4! All-time Favorite Toy: Lego Castles Favorite color: Green (what a surprise) Favorite foods: Popcorn, even if it's not green. Chocolate. Broccoli. Favorite Authors: Marie de France, a 12th century writer who lived in England and wrote in Old French. L.M. Montgomery, who wrote all about Anne Shirley. Guy Gavriel Kay, who is actually still alive and writes marvelously textured fantasy. Favorite web resource:Google Favorite Graphics on the web:The Barnes Gallery Etc: Winter & Snow Pine Trees The environment
Cooking and inventing
Avacado & Asparagus Maki rolls
People afraid of taking chances
Closed minds
People who think they know how to drive in winter weather but actually don't.
WindowsNT/2000/XP On the Web:
Poorly written and/or designed corporate sites created by "professional" web design firms.
Blink tags: Just don't go there.
Animated advertisements are bad enough, but do you have to make them ugly too?